Termination of Temporary Protected Status for El Salvador

The path remains unclear for over 20,000 Maryland residents; 200,000 affected nationwide.
On January 8, 2018, the Secretary of Homeland Security, Kirstjen Nielsen, announced that she will be terminating the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program for El Salvador.
What this means for current TPS holders:
The program will end in September 9, 2019.
Current TPS holders must re-register to keep their status until September 9, 2019.
Re-registration is free; however, TPS holders must pay $85 for biometrics.
The government will likely announce the re-registration date in 4-6 weeks.
This period will likely be 60 days long.
TPS holders may not submit a re-registration until the announced period.
If TPS holders want a work permit or to renew their old permit, they can request one along with their re-registration. This will cost an additional $410.
Individuals from El Salvador on TPS should re-register. This will give them status until September 9, 2019. After that, they will no longer be able to re-register for TPS. For that reason, they should meet with an immigration attorney to plan their next course of action.
Contact us today at (301) 694-6400 to determine how best to respond to this recent change.